Grandwork Tools

Regulation Station Starter Bundle

$ 2,635.00
  • Regulation Station Starter Bundle

Grandwork Tools

Regulation Station Starter Bundle

$ 2,635.00

This bundle contains the items you need for applying the Grandwork System using your bench and keyframe glidebolts for balancerail setup. The Setup Kit provides simple materials to fix position of action on bench. The Regulating Rack with Template Set provides strike, hammerline, letoff, and drop. The Gauge Keys make some setup and regulation measurements consistent and accurate. The Squaring/Filing/Voicing Block replaces the Squaring Platform and a workaround of traveling shanks to samples that match hammer spacing scale at strike and at hammerline replaces Shank Traveler. Also, the Underlevel/String Height Gauge replaces the String Height Gauge with Rail and LiL Larry on Legs serves as Lighting Rail. These will all work fine on your bench but they replace the more expensive versions in the Deluxe and Full Monte versions to limit cost. Other tools in this bundle include the Leveling-Sampling Kit, Hammer Square Articulated, WNG Level Stick, WNG Bedding Tool, AC to DC 12v Adapter, and DC 6' Extension Cable.