KS 25: Further Discretionary Prep

KS 25: Further Discretionary Prep

Wippen rest cushion (or alternative rest rail) assists return-from-strike reset of hammer, key, and wippen by limiting downward travel of shank and bouncing it back into position. Maintaining about a shank's diameter of clearance between cushion and shank assures hammer weight is fully supported by jack and repetition lever with a little leeway for future settling of materials. When shank comes to rest on "rest" cushion, lost motion (or at least lost bearing) loosens wippen-to-knuckle linkage, reducing aftertouch and eroding key height, hammer rise, and backchecking. So keeping shanks off cushions is a starting point. But cushions also function as stops, preventing shanks and tails from tapping or jamming and rear hammer shoulders from bumping on backchecks.

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KS 24: Regulate Samples / Additional Prep?

KS 24: Regulate Samples / Additional Prep?

This week, I will touch on the importance of regulation sampling and the possibility of further preparation steps based on what you find. Geometry may need tweaking if normal aftertouch requires too much dip, notes feel too heavy, notes won't repeat, or parts poorly align. Materials may need attention if indentations will conflict with new spacing or cause other problems. Hammerline may be overly elevated after multiple hammer filings and need action adaptations. My suggestions will all be quick-ish fixes where a more thorough restoration or replacement of parts would exceed budget.
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